Mt. Zion A.M.E.Zion Church has the distinction of being the only organization in the Greater Montgomery area that has all three scouting units for children and youth.
Mt. Zion A.M.E. Zion Scouting Ministries are made up of three units, Cub Scout 224, Troop 224, and Venturing Crew 224.
Cub Scout PACK 224
First chartered: December 31, 2002
Service boys first to sixth grades.
Service area includes but is not limited to the following schools: Carver Elementary, T.S. Morris Elementary, Martin Luther King Elementary, E.D. Nixon Elementary, Southlawn Elementary and Hayneville Road Elementary.
Average membership: 30 to 40 boys
Leaders are made up of parents and church volunteers.
Boy Scout Troop 224
First chartered: March 31, 2003
Service boys sixth to 12th grade or up to18 years of age
Service area includes but not limited to the sixth graders of the above elementary schools. Inclusive are the following schools: Southlawn Middle, McIntyre Middle, Bellingrath Middle and Baldwin Middle Magnet.
Montgomery area high schools
Average membership: 15 to 20 boys
Leaders are made up of parents and church volunteers
District Spirit Log (Twice)
Camporee Campsite – 1st Place Ribbon
Batchee Man Rely – 1st Place 2006
Lord Baden Powell Awards
Sterling McQueen
Jonathan Stokes
Eagle Scout Awards
Micah Jones – March 10, 2008
Olu Ogunbi – June 12, 2008
Theodore Robinson, III – October 23, 2008
Geovanni Franklin – August 12, 2009
Barry Lewis Jr. – September 30, 2009
Jon Smith – October 10, 2009
Sterling McQueen – November 20, 2009
Jonathan Stokes – December 12, 2010
Venturing Crew 224
First chartered: December 31, 2005
Service youth ages 14 to 22 years old (male and female)
Average membership varies between 15 to 25 youth
Service area: Membership includes the entire youth department of the church, but is open to any youth who meets the age requirement and want to adhere to the goals and aims of scouting.
Leaders are made up of parents and church volunteers.